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Change. Confidence. Improvement. Succes.

Business Intermediation

Offer and demand, they are the clue in every business model. Are you looking for a specific…

Business Development

From idea, to execution. One of the most important leadership skills is DREAMING…

Organizational development

A company’s most valuable asset is always its people.  People can make a company with a lousy product successful…

Project management

Leadership, that’s the keyword whether we think it’s nature or nurture, for critical projects, it makes sense…

Feasibility and cost/benefit studies

Suppose you’ve got an idea for a new product that you think will greatly improve your market share…


Product marketing is one of the most overlooked facets that often distinguishes successful businesses from…

Business management consulting

Businesses never stand still – they are always either growing or shrinking.  The key to being successful…

Business process improvement/re-engineering

What are the most important processes your business or organization does?  Most people…

Strategic Planning

Unfortunately, many companies do not even have a strategic plan. A strategic plan helps companies…
